
Where to Buy Enjin Coin (ENJ)

Enjin Coin
Enjin Coin (ENJ)
Rank #91
Market cap:
$ 483.30 m

Trying to Decide Where to Purchase or Sell Enjin (ENJ)?


If you're trying to figure out if you should buy Enjin Coin (ENJ) and where, you've come to the right place! We will help you decide on the best exchange to do so. That's why we have created a list to help you in your search and also figure out with exchange best fit your needs and is available in your country or region.

To find the right exchange, you can get started by simply reviewing the most liquid trading pairs available, verifying the exchange's availability in your country and set up an account on any of these platforms to be able to exchange the coin you have funded and get ENJ.

Here are the top 3 most liquid exchanges to buy Enjin Coin (ENJ) on:

  • Binance: One of the top exchanges among non-US-based traders, and it's the most liquid exchange for the ENJ/USDT trading pair, as well as the BUSD and BTC trading pairs.

  • OKEx: This exchange based in Malta is one of the top 5 exchanges with the highest liquidity, which makes it a suitable option for traders in Europe and Asia looking to buy on the ENJ/USDT trading pair.

  • Coinbase Pro: This regulated exchange allows its users to buy and sell all throughout the US (except for Hawaii) with a very user-friendly platform, and it currently has the highest liquidity to buy ENJ on USD.

Beware: Some of the mentioned exchanges are unavailable to US/UK traders due to policies and region protocol. Don't worry! If you're an American/UK citizen or live in an Asian country, we still have some options for you down below.

List of Best Crypto Exchanges for US Residents

List of Best Crypto Exchanges for EU/UK Residents

  • OKEx also available for Asian residents with few exceptions like Iran, Syria or Malaysia.
  • Huobi Global

List of Best Crypto Exchanges for Asian Residents

Before you Buy Enjin - What is the cryptocurrency Enjin (ENJ)?


Enjin, also referred to as Enjin Coin, is a cryptocurrency launched by the homonymous company in 2017 as an ERC-20 token. Its main purpose is to integrate with games, it can be used as a currency in the NFT marketplace and to manage virtual assets on the Ethereum blockchain in order to reduce fees and fraud cases.

As a token built on the Ethereum blockchain, ENJ can be managed from Ethereum wallets. You might also be interested in comparing its price to Ethereum or other ERC-20 tokens, which you can easily do with our Crypto Compare tool here.

After you Buy - Best Crypto Wallets to Buy Enjin Coin (ENJ)


Now that you have decided on buying ENJ, you'll need a cryptocurrency wallet to store your assets! But don't worry, here at Exwhere we did the research for you and created a guide on the best wallets to keep your ENJ and interact with the Enjin blockchain safely and easily.

Many of these wallets feature functions that allow deposits through credit cards, wire transfers and other secure purchasing methods, and can be used through your phone, computer, web browser or be a whole separate device! All you have to do now is pick the one that best fit your needs and start trading.

Here is Exwhere’s overview of the top-recommended wallets to store your Enjin Coin (ENJ) on:

  • CoolWallet: This modern-looking hardware wallet was designed for those who want portability and safety when managing their account since it keeps your data stored completely offline.

  • Enjin Wallet: A great mobile option to manage ENJ and other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum and other ERC-20 tokens. 

  • MyEtherWallet is a digital mobile wallet that stores Ethereum Classic and ETH, as well as ERC-20 tokens made on the blockchain, such as ENJ. It's available for both iOS and Android devices.

Enjin (ENJ) - Useful Crypto Resources
